
Pengelolaan Pasca Panen / Post Harvesting

Salah satu referensi yang dapat dijadikan acuan umum untuk pengelolaan produk-produk pertanian setelah panen (pasca panen/post harvesting). Secara umum yang disampaikan pada laman FAO (Food and Agriculture  Organization)  ,[par]=YToxOntzOjE6IkwiO3M6MToiMCI7fQ==

Salah satu contohnya adalah penanganan pasca panen sorgum

Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal grown with a world production of over 55 million tonnes in 2008 (FAOSTAT). Most varieties are heat and drought tolerant, hence it is an important crop in arid areas. It is an important source of food in Africa, Central America, and South Asia and is also used to produce alcoholic beverages and biofuel.


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Image may contain: plant, flower, sky, tree, outdoor and nature

Gambar Tanaman Sorgum usia 60 sdg 80 hari