Jadi teringat , Boulding System Theory, yang belakangan ini ramai dibicarakan sebagai “transendental” .. Aku setuju pendapatnya Boulding , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_E._Boulding
Memang ada transdental , tapi untuk mencapai level transdental harus melewati lapisan lapisan dari 1 sampai 9.
Untuk Mencapai Ma’rifat harus lewat Syariat dan Hakekat.
Ingat Juga Surat Yunus ayat 100,
Boulding’s classification model for a hierarchy of system levels
1. First level is that static structure. It might be called the level of frameworks; for example, the anatomy of the universe.
2. The Next level is that of the simple dynamic system with predetermined, necessary motions. This might called the level of clockworks.
3. Third level is the control mechanism, or cybernetic system, which might nicknamed the level of the thermostat. The system is self regulating in maintaining equilibrium
4. The Fourth level is that the “Open System” or self maintaining structure. This is the level at which file begins to differentiate from not-life; it might be called the Cell.
5. the next level might be called the genetic-societal level; it is typified by the plant, and it dominates the empirical world of the botanist.
6. the animal system level is characterized by mobility, teleological behavior and self-awareness
7. The next level is the “human” level, that is, of the individual human being considered as a system with self-awareness and the ability to utilize language and symbolism
8. the social system or systems of human organization constitute the next level with the consideration of the content and meaning of messages, the nature and dimensions of value system, the transcription of images into historical record, the symbolization of art , music and poetry, and the complex gamut of human emotion.
9. Transcendental systems complete the classification of levels, These are the ultimate and absolutes and inescapable s and unknowable , and the also exhibit systematic structure and relations.
(gambar , source : http://www.slideshare.net/rodnovryjoshua/12-general-system-theory)