Marian Rejewksi adalah seorang matematikawan asal Polandia yang berhasil membangun metode untuk memecahkan kode mesin enigma yang digunakan oleh Jerman. Atas kerja keras Rejewski inilah , Alan Turing ( berhasil memecahkan sandi sandi yang dikirimkan oleh Komando Pusat pasukan Jerman pada pasukan pasukan dibawahnya. Sebenarnya perang informasi (information warfare) ini dimulai pada saat perang dunia kedua. Tanpa kerja keras dari Rejewski, bisa jadi Alan Turing tidak akan dapat membuat karya untuk memecahkan kode kode enigma Jerman dan mungkin Alan Turing tidak akan menjadi ‘bapak komputer modern’. Kerja keras Alan Turing ini dilakukan di suatu tempat yang dikenal dengan nama Bletchey Park (
Berikut ini biografi Marian Rejewski
Marian Adam Rejewski ([’marjan re’jefski](?); 16 August 1905 – 13 February 1980) was a Polish mathematician and cryptologist who, in 1932, solved the Enigma machine, the main cipher machine then in use by Germany. The success of Rejewski and his colleagues jump-started the British reading of Enigma-encrypted messages in World War II, and the intelligence so gained, code-named “Ultra,” contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany, perhaps decisively(Note 1).
While studying mathematics at Poznań University, Rejewski attended a secret cryptology course conducted by the Polish General Staff’s Cipher Bureau, which he joined full-time in 1932. The Bureau had had no success in reading Enigma, and set Rejewski to work on the problem in late 1932. After only a few weeks, he had deduced the secret internal wiring of the Enigma. Rejewski and two mathematician colleagues then developed an assortment of techniques for the regular decryption of Enigma messages. Rejewski’s contributions included devising the cryptologic “card catalog,” derived using his “cyclometer,” and the cryptologic “bomb” (Polish: bomba).
Five weeks before the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Rejewski and his colleagues presented their results on Enigma decryption to French and British intelligence representatives. Shortly after the outbreak of war, the Polish cryptologists were evacuated to France, where they continued their work in collaboration with the British and French. They were again compelled to evacuate after the fall of France in June 1940, but within months returned to work undercover in Vichy France. After the country was fully occupied by Germany in November 1942, Rejewski and fellow mathematician Henryk Zygalski fled to Britain via Spain. In Britain, they worked at a Polish unit, solving low-level German ciphers. In 1946 Rejewski returned to his family in Poland and worked as an accountant, remaining silent about his cryptologic work until 1967.