The Daily Drucker, 366 Days insight and motivation for getting the right things done
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006
Buku ini bercerita tentang pengalaman Peter F Drucker ( adalah seorang pakar manajemen dan pemikirannya banyak mendomininasi buku buku manajemen dan dijadikan referensi untuk banyak kalangan termasuk kalangan akademisi.
Buku ini menarik perhatianku , karena Drucker menulis pemikirannya hari ke hari, lengkap selama 365 (366) hari. Salah satu contohnya adalah :
19 August :
Entrepreneurial Judo
Entrepreneurial Judo turns that what the market leaders consider their strengths into the very weakness that defeat them .
The Japaneese judo master looks for strength that is his opponent’s pride and joy. He assumes, and does so with high probability, than the opponent bases his strategy on this strength in every fighth. And then the Judo master figures out where this continuing reliance on a particular strength leaves the opponent vulnerable and undefend. Then he turns his opponent’s strength into the opponent’s fatal weakness that defeats the opponent.
Business ,like judo fighters, tend to become set in their behaviour. And then the entreprenurial judo turns what the market leaders consider their strength into the very weakness that defeat them. For example, the japanese became the leaders in one American market after the other : First in copier , then machine tools, then the consumer electronics, then automobile and then in the fax machines. The strategy was always the same. They turned what Americans considered their strength into a weakness that defeat the American companies. The Americans saw high profitability as their greath strength. And thus they focused on the high end of the market and left the market undersupplied and underserviced. The Japanese moved in with the low-cost products with minimum features. The American didn’t even try to fight them. But when Japanese had take over the mass market they had the cash flow to move in on the high-end market, too. And they soon came to dominate both the mass market and the high-end market.
Action Point : Be Agile, recognize the strengths of your competitors, and look for opportunities in parts of the market that they have ignored.
Disini Drucker menulis bagaimana suatu kondisi dimana produk produk Jepang selalu unggul dalam banyak hal terhadap produk produk Amerika, point nya adalah , “they never Learn ” (Amerika tidak pernah belajar dari kegagalan menguasai pasar )